Another busy month with the CAD service producing drawings for Alfa-Romeo and Ford engines in addition to a few Dellorto carburettor parts.
The web-site is undergoing some re-design to try to showcase our CAD service better and provide better quality navigation to the eBay auctions of our bits and pieces.
Our marine sector activity seems to be going well with 3 or 4 new items being added in this area this month.
We have had a few sub-contracted manufacturing issues this summer which we seem to have negotiated our way around ; we now have two new suppliers of sub-contract services to help us make things.
Our own in-house manufacturing service has been enhanced with the addition of a new pillar drill. Hopefully we will add vibration polishing and gasket punching tooling to our capabilities in September.
A move into a new facility is also on the cards. Watch this space.